Vertical 32R32L/28R28L/20R20L
Surprise your members with a vertical step routine. Pawel is showing you the perfect build up and gives you all needed routine variations on your way to an awesome experience. Symmetrical routine which combines all the sides of a step and challenges your members with flowing moves and different directions. The focus of this course stays as always on the element of fun, which Pawel is known for.
Watch this course online with explanational videos or jump to the lower "READY TO GO" section and check the quick review of the trainers professional build up.
Masterclass / Step, Aerobic, Routine, Pawel Oracz
Get the music from this course!"House Diamonds" by Move-Ya
Move-Ya News- get fresh and cool musik for your classes!
Intermediate level
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detailled breakdown
block 1 breakdown 08:42
block 2 breakdown 07:12
block 3 breakdown 03:32
Ready to go
block 1 breakdown ready to go 06:22
block 2 breakdown ready to go 04:13
block 3 breakdown ready to go 02:06
complete choreography
complete choreography front side view 01:22
complete choreography back side view 01:22
Pawel Oracz
Pawel is a qualified fitness trainer and presenter who lives in Poland. 2007 to 2013 he served as lead presenter and ...
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Package include:
- complete vertical, symmetric Step Aerobic choreography
- 3 parts (32R32L/28R28L/20R20L) with logical breakdown
- READY TO GO videos
- all HD videos for download