Reejam 01
Reejam is the revival of the Cityjam concept from the 1990s, created by Laura Cristina and Ivan Robustelli. Reejam is a fitness cardio concept, built from simple movements, combining elements from hip hop, street dance and aerobics. At the end of the session the built up parts are put together to form a choreo. Reejam is for anyone who enjoys movement, from beginners to dance professionals.
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Reejam information South Europe
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Reejam choreo
Part 1 break down - Laura 08:06
Part 2 break down - Carlo 07:59
Combine parts 1 and 2 01:26
Part 3 break down - Antony 08:33
Final - Parts 1-3 02:35
Carlo Onofrio
Carlo is an instructor and presenter of Dance Fitness concepts in Italy, Carlo is passionate about dance and music. His ...
Laura Cristina
Lauras very first experience was wearing the blue shirt of the rhythmic Italian national team. She is a dancer and ...
Antony Quagliata
Antony has an italian background, but lives and workes in Belgium. In the past he has brought fun to the people in his ...
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