Janneke shows a happy symmetric aerodance combination of three blocks. Each block is built up by two separate parts, which we show in separate videos. Follow Jannekes fresh and enthusiastic way of presenting, with clear moves and cueing. Follow this break down methodology and teach this to your participants in your class - they will be happy too !
Get the music from this course!"We love House" by Move-Ya...
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Detailed break down
Block 1 part 1 break down 02:54
Block 1 part 2 break down 04:49
Block 2 Part 1 break down 02:30
Block 2 part 2 break down 03:55
Block 3 part 1 break down 03:10
Block 3 part 2 break down 04:19
complete choreography
complete choreography (front side view) 01:35
complete choreography (back side view) 01:35
Janneke Bakker
Janneke is educator and master instructor at AALO Opleidingen in the Netherlands in the area of freestyle step ...
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